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Discover, Design & Deployment

The 3D process was developed to ensure a seamless and productive workflow from the time the opportunity is presented to sales to when it's developed into a project and finally until it’s delivered to customer success to ensure a happy customer.  In summary the following methodology is used by our solution engineering teams and now logistical project management team to ensure the customers entire experience is pleasurable

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Business Meeting


The "discovery phase" in sales is a critical stage where PTI gathers information and evaluates potential opportunities. The stages to this process are described below:


Lead Acquisition: PTI receives leads from various sources. These sources can include inbound inquiries, marketing campaigns, referrals, or other channels. Leads are individuals or companies that have expressed interest in your products or services.


Initial Outreach: PTI then reaches out to the lead or potential customer. This could be done through various means, such as phone calls, emails, or in-person meetings, depending on the nature of the business and the preferences of the lead.


Opportunity Validation: During the initial contact, PTI's primary goal is to determine the validity of the opportunity. They want to confirm whether the lead is a genuine prospect with a real need or problem that your products or services can solve. This involves asking probing questions to understand the lead's pain points and needs.


Project Qualifiers: Then PTI also evaluates the opportunity to ensure it aligns with the company's core business model and solution types. They need to make sure that pursuing this opportunity fits within the company's strategic objectives and capabilities. If it's not a good fit, it may be best to disqualify the lead and focus on more suitable opportunities.


ROM (Rough Order of Magnitude): If the opportunity looks promising and aligns with the company's offerings, the salesperson may develop a Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM). This is a preliminary budgetary estimate that provides the lead or client with a rough idea of the expected costs associated with the proposed project or solution. It helps the lead assess whether the project fits within their budget expectations.


The transition from the Discovery phase to the Design phase is a crucial step in the sales process, as it represents the progression from identifying a potential opportunity to creating a specific solution for the client. Here's a breakdown of this phase:


Formal Opportunity: Once the criteria and qualifications from the Discovery phase are met, the lead is officially turned into a formal opportunity. This means that it has been determined as a legitimate and viable sales opportunity that aligns with the company's offerings and strategic objectives.


Engaging Solutions Engineers: In the Design phase, PTI's solutions engineers and technical experts work closely with the client to establish a tailored solution. This involves in-depth discussions, needs assessments, and collaboration to ensure that the proposed solution will effectively address the client's specific requirements. The goal is to create a solution for the customer with clearly defined outcomes.


Client Approval: Before the solution can move forward, it must be signed and approved by the client. This step is critical as it ensures that the client is in agreement with the proposed solution, its scope, and the expected outcomes. Client approval is a clear indication that they are committed to moving forward with the project.


Quotation Generation: Once the solution is approved by the client, a formal quotation is generated. This quotation outlines the detailed costs associated with the project, including pricing for products or services, labor, materials, and any other relevant expenses. It provides transparency to the client regarding the financial aspects of the project.


Client Signature: The generated quotation is then provided to the customer for their review and signature. Client signature on the quotation represents their formal commitment to proceed with the project and to the associated costs as outlined in the quotation.


The Design phase is where the sales process transitions from the conceptual and exploratory stage to a more concrete plan with specific details and costs. It's a critical stage in the sales cycle as it involves collaboration with the client to tailor a solution that meets their needs, and it finalizes the financial aspects of the project before moving into the execution phase.

Security Cameras


The transition from a qualified opportunity to a project is a significant step in the sales process, as it marks the conversion of a potential sale into a concrete, actionable plan. Here's a breakdown of this phase:


Qualification: As mentioned, before an opportunity can be turned into a project, certain qualifiers from the Discovery and Solution Design phases must be met. These qualifiers typically include criteria such as alignment with the company's core business model, client approval of the solution, and the client's signature on the project quotation.


Site Design to SOW: Once the opportunity is qualified and ready to proceed, the next step involves converting the site design into a formal Scope of Work (SOW). The SOW outlines the specific tasks, deliverables, timelines, and responsibilities associated with the project. It provides a detailed and comprehensive plan for the project's execution.


Logistical Project Management: With the SOW in place, the Logistical Project Management team becomes engaged. This team is responsible for overseeing the logistics, timing, deployment, and procurement processes associated with the project. Their role is to ensure that the project's workflow and time management are well-organized and efficient.


Timing, Deployment, and Procurement: PTI's Logistical Project Management team plays a crucial role in managing the project's timeline and deployment strategy. They coordinate the various elements required for successful project execution, which may include procuring necessary materials and resources, scheduling personnel, and ensuring that all aspects of the project are well-coordinated.


Workflow and Time Management: The Logistical Project Management team is responsible for establishing and maintaining effective workflow and time management processes throughout the project. They ensure that tasks are executed in the correct order, that resources are available when needed, and that any potential delays or issues are addressed promptly.


Overall, this phase represents the transition from planning and design to the active execution of the project. It requires careful coordination and management to ensure that the project is completed successfully, on time, and within the defined scope of work. Effective project management is essential for delivering the solution to the client as envisioned during the Discovery and Design phases.

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